Become a partner
Types of Collaboration
The EPA is open to collaboration proposals within the following contexts:
The EPA may, upon President’s decision, provide approval and support to a national or international congress or a meeting related to Mental Health. A congress or meeting organised under EPA patronage includes non-financial support with the possibility to use the EPA logo and mention of the congress or meeting to be organised under EPA
patronage on the scientific meeting website and/or programme.
Bilateral, mutual promotion of scientific congress or meeting (at no cost) through website link exchange.
The EPA may, upon President’s and Executive Committee’s decision, organise partnership activities related to Mental Health. The activity should be in compliance with the following general principles:
- The partner society will be the sole entity responsible for the activity budget and result.
- The EPA provides agreed content (symposium, workshop etc.) on not-for-profit basis. It receives all necessary logistic support (including travel and accommodation) from the partner society.
- Sufficient visibility of the EPA as a co-organiser of the activity is to be guaranteed (logo on website and announcements).
- The EPA has a direct influence on the title and content of the joint activity.