NPA Members & the Council of NPAs
Presidents and Official Representatives of the EPA’s National Psychiatric Association Members compose the EPA Council of NPAs. The Council of NPAs provides a forum for its members to meet, discuss and work on issues concerning psychiatry at European and national level.
With its 44 members from 40 European countries, the Council of NPAs has become one of the most important platforms for discussion among psychiatrists across Europe. It is governed by a 3-member Steering Committee.
The Council of NPAs brings together representatives of psychiatrists from all European countries aiming to improve psychiatry and mental health care throughout the continent. Additionally, through a collaboration with the EPA Brussels office, the Council’s activities aim to bring forward important issues in the psychiatric field to the European Commission concerning psychiatry in Europe.
Current list of EPA NPAs:
- Armenian Psychiatric Association
- Austrian Society for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy
- Azerbaijan Psychiatric Association
- Belarusian Psychiatric Association
- Belgian Professional Association of Medical Specialists in Psychiatry
- Flemish Association of Psychiatry
- Psychiatric Association of Bosnia-Herzegovina
- College Private Psychiatry of Bulgaria
- Croatian Psychiatric Association
- Czech Psychiatric Association
- Danish Psychiatric Association
- Estonian Psychiatric Association
- Finnish Psychiatric Association
- French Congress of Psychiatry
- French Federation of Psychiatry
- Society of Georgian Psychiatrists
- German Association for Psychiatry, Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics
- Hellenic Psychiatric Association
- Hungarian Psychiatric Association
- Icelandic Psychiatric Association
- College of Psychiatrists of Ireland
- Israel Psychiatric Association
- Italian Psychiatric Association
- Latvian Psychiatric Association
- Lithuanian Psychiatric Association
- Maltese Association of Psychiatry
- Society of Psychiatrists, Narcologists, Psychotherapists and Clinical Psychologists from Republic of Moldova
- Netherlands Psychiatric Association
- Norwegian Psychiatric Association
- Polish Psychiatric Association
- Portuguese Society of Psychiatry and Mental Health
- Romanian Association of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy
- Independent Psychiatric Association of Russia
- Serbian Psychiatric Association
- Slovak Psychiatric Association
- Slovenian Psychiatric Association
- Association of Psychiatrists of Spanish Association of Neuropsychiatry
- Spanish Society of Psychiatry and Mental Health
- Swedish Psychiatric Association
- Swiss Society of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy
- Psychiatric Association of Türkiye
- Association of Neurologists, Psychiatrists and Narcologists of Ukraine
- Ukrainian Psychiatric Association
- Royal College of Psychiatrists