Policy & Guidance Papers
- EPA Policy Papers: These papers are authored exclusively by EPA Board members or those appointed by the Board. They focus on significant topics related to psychiatry, public health, research, ethics, and health policy, all aligned with the EPA’s mission.
- EPA Guidance Papers: Aimed at enhancing mental health care quality across Europe, these expert-authored papers share best practices and evidence-based insights. Commissioned by the EPA Board, they help foster cross-country learning, especially in areas where formal guidelines are lacking.
For more information on the development of the EPA Guidance project, please read the article of Prof. W. Gaebel, coordinator of the project, and Prof. H.-J. Möller: European guidance – a project of the European Psychiatric Association.
Learn more about the EPA’s Policy & Guidance Papers below or on the European Psychiatry Journal website.
EPA Policy paper “Use of psychedelic treatments in psychiatric clinical practice” (European Psychiatry, Vol. 68, 2025) Authors: Marianne Destoop, Pavel Mohr, Florence Butlen-Ducuing, Peter Kéri, Jerzy Samochowiec, Livia De Picker, Andrea Fiorillo, Kim P.C. Kuypers, Geer Dom
EPA Policy paper “Digitalising mental health care: Practical recommendations from the European Psychiatric Association” (European Psychiatry, Vol. 67, 2024) Authors: Janos L. Kalman, Gerrit Burkhardt, Jerzy Samochowiec, Christian Gebhard, Geert Dom, Miriam John, Ozge Kilic,Tamas Kurimay, Lars Lien, Meryam Schouler-Ocak, Diego Palao Vidal, Jan Wiser, Wolfgang Gaebel, Umberto Volpe and Peter Falkai.
EPA Policy paper “Clinician treatment choices for post-traumatic stress disorder: ambassadors survey of psychiatrists in 39 European countries” (European Psychiatry, Vol. 67, 2024) Authors: Martina Rojnic Kuzman, Frank Padberg, Benedikt L. Amann, Meryam Schouler-Ocak, Zarko Bajic, Tarja Melartin, Adrian James, Julian Beezhold, Jordi Artigue Gómez, Celso Arango, Tihana Jendricko, Jamila Ismayilov, William Flannery, Egor Chumakov, Koray Başar, Simavi Vahip, Dominika Dudek, Jerzy Samochowiec, Goran Mihajlovic, Fulvia Rota, Gabriela Stoppe, Geert Dom, Kirsten Catthoor, Eka Chkonia, Maria João Heitor Dos Santos, Diogo Telles, Peter Falkai, Philippe Courtet, Michal Patarák, Lubomira Izakova, Oleg Skugarevski, Stojan Barjaktarov, Dragan Babic, Goran Racetovic, Andrea Fiorillo, Bernardo Carpiniello, Maris Taube, Yuval Melamed, Jana Chihai, Doina Constanta Maria Cozman, Pavel Mohr, György Szekeres, Mirjana Delic, Ramunė Mazaliauskienė, Aleksandar Tomcuk, Nataliya Maruta and Philip Gorwood.
EPA Position paper “Climate change and mental health: Position paper of the European Psychiatric Association” (European Psychiatry, Vol. 67, 2024) Authors: Lasse Brandt, Kristina Adorjan, Kirsten Catthoor, Eka Chkonia, Peter Falkai, Andrea Fiorillo, Tomasz M. Gondek, Jessica Newberry Le Vay, Martina Rojnic, Andreas Meyer-Lindenberg, Andreas Heinz, Geert Dom, and Jurjen J. Luykx.
EPA Policy paper “Improving mental health care in depression: A call for action” (European Psychiatry, Vol. 66, August 2023) Authors: Julia Eder, Geert Dom, Philip Gorwood, Hikka Kärkkäinen, Andre Decraene, Ulrike Kumpf, Julian Beezhold, Jerzy Samochowiec, Tamas Kurimay, Wolfgang Gaebel, Livia De Picker and Peter Falkai.
EPA Guidance on Treatment of Cognitive Impairment in Schizophrenia (European Psychiatry, Vol. 65, August 2022) Authors: Antonio Vita, Wolfgang Gaebel, Armida Mucci, Gabriele Sachs, Stefano Barlati, Giulia Maria Giordano, Gabriele Nibbio, Merete Nordentoft, Til Wykes and Silvana Galderisi.
EPA Guidance on Assessment of Cognitive Impairment in Schizophrenia (European Psychiatry, Vol. 65, August 2022) Authors: Antonio Vita, Wolfgang Gaebel, Armida Mucci, Gabriele Sachs, Andreas Erfurth, Stefano Barlati, Federico Zanca, Giulia Maria Giordano, Louise Birkedal Glenthøj, Merete Nordentoft, and Silvana Galderisi
Joint European policy on the COVID-19 risks for people with mental disorders: An umbrella review and evidence- and consensus-based recommendations for mental and public health(European Psychiatry , Vol. 65, August 2022) Authors: Benedetta Vai, Mario Gennaro Mazza, Casanova Dias Marisa, Julian Beezhold, Hilkka Kärkkäinen, John Saunders, Jerzy Samochowiec,Francesco Benedetti, Marion Leboyer, Paolo Fusar-Poli and Livia De Picker.
European Psychiatry (Vol. 64, February 2021): EPA Guidance on Treatment of Negative Symptoms in Schizophrenia
Authors: S. Galderisi, S. Kaiser, I. Bitter, M. Nordentoft, A. Mucci, M. Sabé, G.M. Giordano, M.Ø. Nielsen, L.B. Glenthøj, P. Pezzella, P. Falkai, S. Dollfus and W. Gaebel
European Psychiatry (Vol. 64, February 2021):EPA Guidance on Assessment of Negative Symptoms in Schizophrenia
Authors: S. Galderisi, A. Mucci, S. Dollfus, M. Nordentoft, P. Falkai, S. Kaiser, G.M. Giordano, A. Vandevelde, M.Ø. Nielsen, L.B. Glenthøj, M. Sabé, P. Pezzella, I. Bitter and W. Gaebel
European Psychiatry (Vol. 63, July 2020): EPA Guidance on the Quality of Mental Health Services: a Systematic Meta-review and Update of Recommendations Focusing on Care Coordination
Authors: W. Gaebel, A. Kerst, B. Janssen, T. Becker, M. Musalek, W. Rössler, M. Ruggeri, G. Thornicroft, J. Zielasek, J. Stricker
European Psychiatry (Vol. 51, June 2018): EPA Guidance on Forensic Psychiatry: Evidence-based Assessment and Treatment of Mentally Disordered Offenders
Authors: B. A. Völlm, M. Clarke, V. T. Herrando, A. O. Seppänen, P. Gosek, J. Heitzman, E. Bulten
European Psychiatry (Vol. 54, October 2018): EPA Guidance on Physical Activity as a Treatment for Severe Mental Illness: a Meta-review of the Evidence and Position Statement from the European Psychiatric Association (EPA), supported by the International Organization of Physical Therapists in Mental Health (IOPTMH)
Authors: B. Stubbs, D. Vancampfort, M. Hallgren, J. Firthe, N. Veronese, M. Solmi, S. Brand, J. Cordes, B. Malchow, M. Gerber, A. Schmitt, C. U. Correll, M. De Hert, F. Gaughran, F. Schneider, F. Kinnafick, P. Falkai, H. Möller, K. G. Kahl
European Psychiatry (Vol. 41, March 2017): EPA Guidance on eMental Health Interventions in the Treatment of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
Authors: W. Gaebel, I. Großimlinghaus, D. Mucic, A. Maercker, J. Zielasek, A. Kerst
European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience (Vol. 266, n° 2, March 2016):
EPA Guidance on Improving the Image of Psychiatry
Authors: A. M. Möller-Leimkühler, H.-J. Möller, W. Maier, W. Gaebel and P. Falkai
EPA Guidance on Mental Health and Economic Crises in Europe
Authors: M. Martin-Carrasco, S. Evans-Lacko, G. Dom, N. G. Christodoulou, J. Samochowiec, E. González-Fraile, P. Bienkowski, M. Gómez-Beneyto, M. J. H. Dos Santos and D. Wasserman
EPA Guidance on the Quality of eMental Health Interventions in the Treatment of Psychotic Disorders
Authors: W. Gaebel, I. Großimlinghaus, A. Kerst, Y. Cohen, A. Hinsche-Böckenholt, B. Johnson, D. Mucic, I. Petrea, W. Rössler, G. Thornicroft and J. Zielasek
EPA Guidance on Training in Psychiatry Throughout Europe
Authors: A. Brittlebank, M.Hermans, D. Bhugra, M. Pinto da Costa, M. Rojnic-Kuzman, A. Fiorillo, T. Kurimay, C. Hanon, D. Wasserman and R.J. van der Gaag
European Psychiatry (Vol. 33, March 2016): EPA Guidance on Psychotherapy in Chronic Depression Across Europe
Authors: A. Jobst, E.-L. Brakemeier, A. Buchheim, F. Caspar, P. Cuijpers, K.P. Ebmeier, P. Falkai, R. Jan van der Gaag, W. Gaebel, S. Herpertz, T. Kurimay, L. Sabaß, K. Schnell, E. Schramm, C. Torrent, D. Wasserman, J. Wiersma and F. Padberg
European Psychiatry (Vol. 30, Issue 3, March 2015):
The Relevance of EPA Guidance Papers in the Framework of the European Psychiatric Association
Authors: R. Heun and W. Gaebel, for the EPA Guidance Committee.
EPA Guidance on Quality Assurance in Mental Healthcare
Authors: W. Gaebel, I. Großimlinghaus, R. Heun, B. Janssen, B. Johnson, T. Kurimay, P. Montellano, M. Muijen, P. Munk-Jorgensen, W. Rössler, M. Ruggeri, G. Thornicroft and J. Zielasek
EPA Guidance on the Early Intervention in Clinical High Risk States of Psychoses
Authors: S.J. Schmidt, F. Schultze-Lutter, B.G. Schimmelmann, N.P. Maric, R.K.R. Salokangas, A. Riecher-Rössler, M. van der Gaag, A. Meneghelli, M. Nordentoft, M. Marshall, A. Morrison, A. Raballo, J. Klosterkötter and S. Ruhrmann
EPA Guidance on the Early Detection of Clinical High Risk States of Psychoses
Authors: F. Schultze-Lutter, C. Michel, S.J. Schmidt, B.G. Schimmelmann, N.P. Maric, R.K.R. Salokangas, A. Riecher-Rössler, M. van der Gaag, M. Nordentoft, A. Raballo, A. Meneghelli, M. Marshall, A. Morrison, S. Ruhrmann and J. Klosterkötter
EPA Guidance on the Role and Responsibilities of Psychiatrists
Authors: D. Bhugra, A. Ventriglio, M.R. Kuzman, G. Ikkos, M.-M. Hermans, P. Falkai, A. Fiorillo, M. Musalek, C. Hoschl, J. Dales, J. Beezhold, W. Rössler, G. Racetovic and W. Gaebel
EPA Guidance on How to Improve the Image of Psychiatry and of the Psychiatrist
Authors: D. Bhugra, N. Sartorius, A. Fiorillo, S. Evans-Lacko, A. Ventriglio, M.H.M. Hermans, P. Vallon, J. Dales, G. Racetovic, J. Samochowiec, M. Roca Bennemar, T. Becker, T. Kurimay and W. Gaebel
EPA Guidance on Cultural Competence Training
Authors: M. Schouler-Ocak, I.T. Graef-Calliess, I. Tarricone, A. Qureshi, M.C. Kastrup and D. Bhugra
European Psychiatry (Vol 29 n° 2, February 2014):
EPA Guidance on Building Trust in Mental Health Services
Authors: Gaebel W, Muijen M, Baumann AE, Bhugra D, Wasserman D, van der Gaag RJ, Heun R, Zielasek J
EPA Guidance on Mental Health Care of Migrants
Authors: Bhugra D, Gupta S, Schouler-Ocak M, Graeff-Callies I, Deakin NA, Quershi A, Dales J, Moussaoui D, Kastrup M
EPA Guidance on Post-graduate Psychiatric Training in Europe
Authors: Mayer S, van der Gaag RJ, Dom G, Wasserman D, Gaebel W, Falkai P, Schüle C
EPA Guidance on Tobacco Dependence and Strategies for Smoking Cessation in People with Mental Illness
Authors: Rüther T, Bobes J, De Hert M, Svensson T, Mann K, Batra A, Gorwood P, Möller HJ
European Psychiatry (Vol 27 n° 2, February 2012):
EPA Guidance on Prevention of Mental Disorders
Authors: J. Campion, K. Bhui, D .Bhugra
EPA Guidance on the Quality of Mental Health Services
Authors: W. Gaebel, T. Becker, B. Janssen, P. Munk-Jorgensen, M. Musalek, W. Rössler, K. Sommerlad, M. Tansella, G. Thornicroft, J. Zielasek
EPA Guidance on the Conflicts of Interest
Authors: C. Höschl, L. Fialová
Mental Health Promotion: Guidance and Strategies
Authors: G. Kalra, G. Christodoulou, R. Jenkins, V. Tsipas, N. Christodoulou, D. Lecic-Tosevski, J. Mezzich, D. Bhugra
Position Statement of the EPA on the Value of Antidepressants in the Treatment of Unipolar Depression
Authors: H.-J. Möller, I. Bitter, J. Bobes, K. Fountoulakis, C. Höschl, S. Kasper
EPA Guidance on Suicide Treatment and Prevention
Authors: D. Wasserman, Z. Rihmer, D. Rujescu, M. Sarchiapone, M. Sokolowski, D. Titelman, G. Zalsman, Z. Zemishlany, V. Carli