Call for expression of interest for the constitution of two new EPA Scientific Sections

Professor Falkai and the EPA Executive Committee members have recently expressed their motivation to create two new Sections. This idea was discussed at a recent EPA Board meeting and pre-approved in principle.
We are now looking for individuals with an expertise or a strong interest in the topics of “Climate Change and Mental Disorders“ and “Public Mental Health”.
We recognise that climate change poses a threat to mental health and that those with mental disorders are disproportionately impacted by the consequences of climate change. We also recognise the need to improve mental health and the prevention of mental disorders through the organised efforts and informed choices of society, organisations, communities and individuals. We hope that the creation of two new Sections will enable important discussions to take place and generate fruitful activities and progress in these two areas.
Before formally setting up these two new Sections, we need to engage experts and interested colleagues to build up the Sections. As such, we are inviting interested EPA members to indicate their interest to Mélanie Rieder and the following persons by Monday, 9 May 2022.
- For the Section on Climate Change and Mental Disorders, please contact EPA President Professor Peter Falkai, Secretary for Sections Professor Rojnic Kuzman and Mélanie Rieder.
- For the Section on Public Mental Health, please contact EPA President Elect Professor Geert Dom, Secretary for Sections Professor Rojnic Kuzman and Mélanie Rieder.
Interested candidates are encouraged to contact us with any questions on these Sections. We plan to organise a meeting with these candidates to decide on the final topics (including plan, lists of activities, composition section, Chair proposal etc), which will then be formally submitted to the EPA Board, in line with the Rules of Procedures.
We look forward to hearing from you.
Professor Martina Rojnic-Kuzman
Secretary for Sections