ECP Quiz
For the first time this year, the EPA will organise a game show event full of teamwork, fun and prizes for its early career psychiatrists!
The event will take place during the European Congress of Psychiatry from 21:00-22:00 during the ECP Networking Event on Saturday, 6 April 2019, at the Congress centre, Warsaw Expo XXI.
Julian Beezhold, EPA Secretary General, will facilitate this event with a jury composed of several EPA leaders: Prof. Silvana Galderisi, Prof. Philip Gorwood, Prof. Agata Szulc, Prof. Tamas Kurimay and Dr. Nikolina Jovanovic.
- First place: 3 free registrations to the next European Congress of Psychiatry taking place from 28-31 March 2020 in Madrid
- Second place: 3 tickets to the next ECP Networking Event organised on Saturday 28 March 2020 in Madrid
- Third place: 3 tickets to the next ECP Networking Event organised on Saturday 28 March 2020 in Madrid
How does it work?
Teams will compete to answer quick-fire trivia questions about psychiatry, science and the EPA.
Criteria for teams:
Quiz teams must be composed of:
- 3 total members (no more, no less)
- who are all early career psychiatrists (psychiatrist under 40 years or within 5 years after passing the specialist exam)
- who represent a mix of genders
- who come from EU or non-EU countries
- And who fulfill the language requirement (only 1 native English speaker allowed per team)
Important: each quiz contestant must pay the €15 entry fee for the Networking Evening.
The entry fee covers access to the ECP Quiz either as a contestant or as an audience member,
as well as access to the event and refreshments for the duration of the Networking Evening.
How can you sign up?
The team leader can sign up the team and its members via this online form.
You will need information about each member’s native language, email address and a team name!