european psychiatric association

“Help for Helpers” Webinars: video-recordings are now available!

In the frame of the actions undertaken by the EPA in light of the ongoing war in Ukraine, three “Help for Helpers” Webinars were organised in April 2022.

With the aim of providing a psychological first aid to volunteers and first-line helpers who are supporting refugees affected by the war, the webinars were centred around:

  1. Introduction and practical tips on psychological first aid for helpers
  2. Practical tips for supporting children
  3. Traumatisation and resilience in Helpers (How to take care of oneself)

The webinars took place on 8, 12 and 14 April 2022 and saw the participation of experts and mental health professionals with first-hand experience in similar situations.

Have a look at the video below where the Chairs of the three Webinars give an overview on the initiative.

The webinars have been recorded and can be now found on the EPA Trauma Resource Centre.


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