european psychiatric association

Mental Health and Well-being for All: Building a World in Which Mental Health is Valued, Promoted, and Protected

The EPA hosted a remarkable symposium as part of the International Joint Event in Chișinău, Republic of Moldova, on 12-15 October 2023. The symposium, entitled “Mental Health and Well-being for All: Building a World in Which Mental Health is Valued, Promoted, and Protected,” addressed essential themes in the field of psychiatry and mental health. The event provided a platform for professionals from various European regions to harmonise practices, discuss ethical dilemmas in psychiatry, and explore ways to ensure mental health is valued, promoted, and protected.

  • Harmonising Practices and Strengthening Collaboration of Psychiatrists

Prof. Martina Rojnic Kuzman, a renowned psychiatrist from Croatia, led a discussion on the importance of harmonising practices and enhancing collaboration among psychiatrists across different European regions. She emphasised that with the globalisation of information and the increasing movement of people, it is crucial to create a unified approach to mental health care. Prof. Rojnic Kuzman’s insightful presentation stressed the need for standardised guidelines, sharing best practices, and cross-border cooperation to provide consistent and high-quality care to patients across Europe.

  • Ethical Dilemma in Psychiatry

Prof. Eka Chkonia, a distinguished psychiatrist from Georgia, delved into the complex and sensitive issue of ethical dilemmas in psychiatry. Her presentation raised questions about the ethical responsibilities of psychiatrists, especially in situations where the well-being of patients and broader societal concerns may conflict. Prof. Chkonia’s exploration of this topic provided a thought-provoking perspective, leading attendees to consider the ethical challenges that mental health professionals face in their daily practice.

The EPA Symposium held during the International Joint Event in Chișinău, Moldova, made a significant contribution to the field of psychiatry and mental health. The discussions around harmonising practices and addressing ethical dilemmas highlighted the need for continued collaboration and reflection within the European psychiatric community. By striving to promote and protect mental health for all, the symposium highlighted the importance of a unified approach to ensure the well-being of individuals in Europe and beyond.

The event served as a platform for sharing knowledge, experiences, and expertise, ultimately advancing the mission of the EPA. As the world evolves, these discussions play a vital role in shaping the future of mental health care and ensuring that mental health is valued, promoted, and protected for everyone.

The EPA Symposium was a resounding success and stands as a testament to the dedication and passion of psychiatrists in Europe, working together to build a world where mental health is a priority for all.