european psychiatric association

Cultural Psychiatry

Section committee

GAMBARO Eleonora, Secretary

Section mission

This Section's mission is to:

Promote the improvement of mental health services to immigrant and ethnic minority patients via the creation of a forum in which research, training, diagnosis, and treatment can be explored in a specifically European context.

Section objectives

  1. To create a forum which brings together professionals and others with an interest in the field to explore and develop the field of cultural psychiatry in a European context
  2. To promote, initiate, and carry out culturally competent research concerning the relationship between migration and mental health, ethnopsychopharmacology, psychotherapy, psychometrics, and other rela
  3. To promote the broad notion of cultural competence, particularly in the context of pre-graduate, graduate, and continuing education
  4. To stimulate recruitment into the field of cultural psychiatry and the cultural competence orientation
  5. To contribute to the quality of psychiatric research and mental health treatment by the promotion of the cultural psychiatry into all facets of psychiatry and psychology in Europe
  6. To forge alliances and partnerships with other sections and national and international associations dedicated to cultural psychiatry

Annual reports

Future Activities


05 April 2025 - 08 April 2025 / Session room : Berlin
Description :

Mental Health Policy session

Addressing the need for specialised LGBTIQ+ psychiatric services and training from a transcultural perspective 

06.04.2025 | 08:00 - 09:30 | Berlin



This session is organised by the Section on Cultural Psychiatry

This symposium addresses the transcultural aspects of specialized psychiatric services for LGBTIQ+ persons, including affirmative approaches to psychiatric care and psychotherapy in different European countries and the United States. A special focus will be placed on defining the implications for training psychiatrists, psychiatry residents, psychologists and other mental health professionals with the goal of increasing the capacity for adequately and appropriately providing effective care for this group, which has a higher risk of mental health disorders, substance disorders and suicide. 

Chair: Ilaria Tarricone (Italy) , Dinesh Bhugra (United Kingdom)

Importance of intercultural paradigm in affirmative clinical practice with LGBTIQ+ people

Speaker: Iva Zegura (Croatia)

Intercultural psychotherapy addressing intersectionality

Speaker: Iris Tatjana GRAEF-CALLIESS (Germany)

LGBTIQ+ Specialty Care in USA: The Continuing Need for Specialty Clinics and Resources

Speaker: Amir Ahuja (United States)

LGBTQ+ transcultural psychiatry – the need for capacity building, specialized psychiatric services and recognizing the specific needs of LGBTIQ+ refugees in the Nordic countries

Speaker: Goran Mijaljica (Sweden)ù

Mental Health Policy Session


People on the move and mental health: Challenges and solutions 

06.04.2025 | 17:00 - 18:30 | Madrid

Topic: Mental Health Policy


A growing body of literature identifies the drivers and barriers of migration as a variety of push and pull factors at the macro- (global and national), meso- (professional) and micro- (personal) levels. Interestingly, many of the key drivers of migration to Europe were also factors driving migration from Europe to other countries and are thus relevant for all high-income countries. A majority of people have been forced to flee their homes than ever before, with a staggering more than 117 million individuals displaced worldwide, according to a report released by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees.
Mental health problems that forcibly displaced people (IDPs, refugees and asylum seekers) experience constitute a serious public and mental health problem. There is increasing evidence that a large proportion of refugees and asylum seekers residing in different parts of the European countries suffer from the consequences of traumatic events and exhibit psychological problems or develop mental disorders including, but not limited to, trauma related disorders, e.g., Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. 
Furthermore, people who have been forcibly displaced or who are stateless have been among the hardest-hit groups of during the Covid-19 Pandemic and Climate change is also driving displacement and increasing the vulnerability of those already forced to flee, facing increased food and economic insecurity as well as challenges to access health and protection services.
The European Psychiatric Association (EPA) has a Task Force on Migration and Mental Health to raise awareness on this important public health problem and outlines strategies for how its member societies and the mental health professionals at large may contribute to managing these challenges. 
This Task Force on Migration and Mental Health aims to increase awareness, basic knowledge and skills of the psychiatrists and other mental health workers related to migrants, refugees and forcibly displaced people and mental health consequences of migration and displacement.
In this session we will focus on current conditions in different parts of Europe and discuss publications and recommendations of the Task Force.

Chair: Geert Dom (Belgium) , Meryam Schouler-Ocak (Germany)

Current situation in Europe – different perspectives

Speaker: Apostolos Veizis (Greece)

Current situation in Europe – different perspectives

Speaker: Ilaria Tarricone (Italy)

Current situation in Europe – different perspectives

Speaker: Jerzy Samochowiec (Poland)

Current situation in Europe – different perspectives

Speaker: Tamer Aker (Türkiye)

Current situation in Europe – different perspectives

Speaker: Sofie Bäärnhielm (Sweden)

Current situation in Europe – different perspectives

Speaker: Meryam Schouler-Ocak (Germany)


 Clinical / Therapeutic​​​​​​​ session 

Intercultural disorder-specific psychotherapy 

07.04.2025 | 17:00 - 18:30 | Auditorio A

Topic: Clinical / Therapeutic


The core aim of this symposium is to introduce disorder-specific psychotherapy approaches in an intercultural context. It will sensitise the plenum to culturally varying symptom constellations and address special features of diagnosis and therapy, focusing on the presentation of culturally specific or adapted therapy concepts. 

Chair: Iris Tatjana GRAEF-CALLIESS (Germany), Meryam Schouler-Ocak (Germany)


Speaker: Iris Tatjana GRAEF-CALLIESS (Germany)


Speaker: Ekin Sonmez (Türkiye)


Speaker: Heidi Siller (Ireland)

Cultural and migration-related aspects of trauma-related disorders

Speaker: Meryam Schouler-Ocak (Germany)

Clinical / Therapeutic​​​​​​​ session

Psychotherapy in challenging settings 

06.04.2025 | 17:00 - 18:30 | Amsterdam


Topic: Clinical / Therapeutic


This session is jointly organised by the Sections on Psychotherapy & Emergency Psychiatry

Psychotherapeutic principles apply to everything a psychiatrist does in clinical work. In recent years, psychotherapy has continued to be a basic science of psychiatry, with its application in all clinical settings. Some settings, such as emergency rooms or prisons, may have certain conditions that might challenge the framework and practice of psychotherapy applications. Meanwhile, specific psychotherapeutic tools could be effective for crisis intervention in suicidal patients in emergency settings. Optimized psychotherapy settings may not be within reach during humanitarian crises such as natural disasters or conflicts. In this session, we aim to review situations that may affect therapeutic alliance in such circumstances and emphasize and discuss various perspectives on applying different psychotherapy techniques in challenging settings.

Chair: Julian Beezhold (United Kingdom), Theodoros Koutsomitros (Greece)

The Suicidal Patient in Emergency Settings: A Possible Role for Psychotherapy?

Speaker: Carla Gramaglia (Italy)

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy/Motivational Interviewing in Emergency Settings in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry

Speaker: Thomas Gargot (France)

Psychotherapeutic Interventions in Humanitarian Settings

Speaker: Selin Tanyeri Kayahan (Türkiye)

Psychotherapeutic Interventions in Forensic Settings


·        Title : Between ethnopsychiatry, criminology and narrative medicine: a complex clinical case

·        Chairs : Kris GOETHALS, Ilaria TARRICONE

·        Speakers : Jacopo Santambrogio, Eleonora Gambaro, Federico Boaron, Kris GOETHALS, Birgit Völlm, Nikolay Bokhan

·        Session date and time : Monday 7 April 2025 - 10:00 - 11:30

·        Session room : Berlin



E-poster viewing

Abstract title: Multiculturalism, Integration, and Mental Well-being in the Context of Emergency Departments: a Comparative Analysis Across Three Hospitals in Northern Italy