european psychiatric association

European Parliament establishes Intergroup for Mental Health

Photographer: Philippe Buissin; Source: European Parliament


The European Parliament confirmed the establishment of the first-ever Intergroup for Mental Health on 18 December 2024.

The EPA welcomes this decision to give MEPs a formal platform across nationalities, committees, and political groups for collaboration on mental health as a public health issue. This also represents an important step to raising the voices, expertise, and experiences of the mental health community.

The EPA celebrated this achievement for GAMIAN-Europe, who advocated for the creation of the Intergroup in their manifesto for the 2024 EU Elections. The EPA, EUFAMI, and GAMIAN-Europe came together to form the Trilogue of Mental Health to support each others advocacy for policies that prioritise the wellbeing of patients, informal carers, and medical professionals.

The 10th European Parliament also decided to elevate the status of its Committee on Public Health (SANT) at the Strasbourg Plenary on 18 December 2024. The EPA will continue to engage with partners and policymakers to share our experiences for achieving commitments and developing initiatives for mental health, such as our call for the establishment of a European Year of Mental Health.

▶ Read the EPA EU Elections Manifesto 2024

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