Portuguese Society of Psychiatry and Mental Health
Date of creation : 01/01/1989
Number of members : 300
Objectives and mission of the association
Tp promote the development of psychiatry and mental health into service of Portuguese population
Official Representatives
President : Professor João Bessa
Official Representative : N/A
List of Board members :
Vice President: Albino Oliveira-Maia
President Elect: Luís Madeira
Past President: Maria João Heitor
Secretary General: Susana Sousa Almeida
Treasurer: Ricardo Moreira
Board Members:
Miguel Bajouco
Gustavo Jesus
Manuela Abreu
Rua Chaby Pinheiro, Nº15 - 2ºDTO
1050-096 Lisboa
Tel : +351 22 5093242
Fax : +351 22 5088460
Email : sppsm.secretariado@gmail.com
Website : www.sppsm.org