NPA Activities 2023
Council of NPAs Meetings 2023
EPA2023 – Paris
The EPA National Psychiatric Association Council meeting, held in March 2023 during the EPA 2023 Congress in Paris, continued the great success of previous years. The meeting was well attended by 49 NPAs, EPA leaders and representatives of GAMIAN-Europe and EUFAMI. A new Steering Committee was elected during the meeting: Prof. Bernardo Carpiniello (Chair, Italy), Prof. Eka Chkonia (Vice-chair, Georgia) and Dr Koray Başar (Secretary, Türkiye). The new Chair presented a short summary of his proposed activities for the next two years. After the newly elected EPA President introduced his Presidential Action Plan for the next two years, an update on the reorganisation of the NPAs Steering Committee and expanded collaboration with the EPA was discussed by participants. The meeting ended with the presentation of concrete proposals to promote EPA and NPAs collaboration, including the engagement of NPAs in the European Curriculum project.
Joint Symposia 2023
The EPA, through its Council of NPAs, is present every year in at least one or two national events of its national members with the Council of NPAs Symposia. The Symposia are dedicated to present-day problematics in psychiatry, offering a European and national perspective. This is a way to make the EPA aims and activities visible on a national level and also highlight the local specificities and needs.
Sofia, Bulgaria
13 May 2023
Vilnius, Lithuania
27 September 2023
“Patient-Oriented Healthcare in Schizophrenia“
Chișinău, Republic of Moldova
14 October 2023
“Mental Health and Well-being for All: Building a World in Which Mental Health is Valued, Promoted, and Protected“