Flemish Association of Psychiatry
Date of creation : 01/01/2005
Number of members : 450
Objectives and mission of the association
The primary goal of the Vlaamse Vereniging voor Psychiatrie (Flemish Association of Psychiatry) is to strengthen the bonds between colleagues within the broad field of psychiatry and between professionals in diverse subsections of that field in Flanders.
The organisation strives to stimulate and support scientific research and wishes to distribute correct information and new insights among its members.
Furthermore, the V.V.P. is an advisory partner of several administrations and commissions of the Flemish regional government.
Regularly, the V.V.P. also acts as a mouthpiece of the professional group in local media debates around topics relating to psychiatry and/ or its subfields, thereby representing it in positive and knowledgeable terms.
Official Representatives
President : Doctor Kirsten Catthoor
Official Representative : Professor Doctor Chris Baeken
List of Board members :
- Chairman: Dr. Kirsten Catthoor
- Past elect: Prof. dr. Dr Frieda Matthys
- Scientific Secretary: Dr. Peter Niemegeers
- Treasurer: Dr. Maarten Van Den Bossche
- Secretary: Prof. dr. Dr Stephan Claes
- International relations: Prof. dr. Dr Chris Baeken
Board members
- Prof. dr. Dr Chris Baeken
- Dr. Chris Bervoets
- Dr. Geert Bosma
- Dr. Kirsten Catthoor
- Prof. dr. Dr Stephan Claes
- Dr. Jurgen De Fruyt
- Prof. dr. Dr Geert Dom
- Dr. Cissel Geleyn
- Prof. dr. dr. Kris Goethals
- Dr. Karin Heyde
- Dr. Peter Joostens
- Prof. dr. Dr Gilbert Lemmens
- Dr. Frieda Matthys
- Dr. Dirk Olemans
- Prof. dr. Dr Pascal Sienaert
- Prof. dr. Dr Joris Vandenberghe
- Dr. Maarten Van Den Bossche
- Dr. Michiel Van Kernebeek
- Dr. Nils Verbeeck
Leuvensesteenweg 517
B-3070 Kortenberg
Tel : +32 2 758 08 14
Fax : +32 2 759 98 78
Email : info@vvp-online.be
Website : www.vvp-online.be