Previous Winners
Category 1 – “Clinical psychopathology and refinement of psychiatric diagnostic categories”
Dr. Elvira Anna CARBONE (Italy): “The relationship of food addiction with binge eating disorder and obesity: A network analysis study”, published in Appetite
Category 2 – “Biological correlates and treatments of mental disorders”
Dr. Spyridon SIAFIS (Germany): “Antipsychotic dose, D2 occupancy and extrapyramidal side-effects: dose-response meta-analysis”, published in Molecular Psychiatry
Category 3 – “Psychiatric epidemiology, social psychiatry and psychotherapeutic interventions in mental disorders”
Dr. Aleksandra KANINA (Sweden) : “Association between cumulative psychosocial adversity in the family and ADHD and autism”, published in Translational Psychiatry
Category 4 – “Child and adolescent Psychiatry”
Dr. Tuomas MAJURI (Finland) : “Effect of onset age on the long‑term outcome of early‑onset psychoses and other mental disorders”, published in European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Category 5 – “Best paper published in European Psychiatry”
Daniel GALLARDO GÓMEZ (Spain): “Exercise to treat psychopathology and other clinical outcomes in schizophrenia”, published in European Psychiatry
Category 1 – Clinical psychopathology and refinement of psychiatric diagnostic categories
Els van der Ven, The Netherlands
“An Intersectional Approach to Ethnoracial Disparities in Pathways to Care Among Individuals With Psychosis in Coordinated Specialty Care ”, published in JAMA Psychiatry
Category 2 – Biological correlates and treatments of mental disorders
Robert McCutcheon, UK
“Reappraising the variability of effects of antipsychotic medication in schizophrenia: a meta-analysis”, published in World Psychiatry
Category 3 – Psychiatric epidemiology, social psychiatry and psychotherapeutic interventions in mental disorders
Damien Etchecopar-Etchart, France
“Schizophrenia pregnancies should be given greater health priority in the global health agenda: results from a large-scale meta-analysis of 43,611 deliveries of women with schizophrenia and 40,948,272 controls”, published in Molecular Psychiatry
Category 4 – Child and adolescent Psychiatry
Gonzalo Salazar de Pablo, UK
“Systematic Review and Meta-analysis: Efficacy of Pharmacological Interventions for Irritability and Emotional Dysregulation in Autism Spectrum Disorder and Predictors of Response”, published in Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Category 5 – Best paper published in European Psychiatry
Giulia Menculini, Italy
“Did we learn something positive out of the COVID-19 pandemic? Post-traumatic growth and mental health in the general population”, published in European Psychiatry
Category 1 – Clinical psychopathology and refinement of psychiatric diagnostic categories
Laura Fusar-Poli, Italy
“Examining Facial Emotion Recognition as an Intermediate Phenotype for Psychosis”, published in Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry
Category 2 – Biological correlates and treatments of mental disorders
Benjamin Perry, UK
“Development and external validation of the Psychosis Metabolic Risk Calculator (PsyMetRiC)”, published in The Lancet Psychiatry
Category 3 – Psychiatric epidemiology, social psychiatry and psychotherapeutic interventions in mental disorders
Nadine Hamieh, France
“Depressive Symptoms and Non-Adherence to Treatable Cardiovascular Risk Factors’ Medications”, published in European Heart Journal – Cardiovascular Pharmacotherapy
Category 4 – Child and adolescent Psychiatry
Shengxin Liu, Sweden
“Poor Glycemic Control is Associated with Increased Risk of Neurodevelopmental Disorders”, published in Diabetologia
Category 5 – Best paper published in European Psychiatry
Gamze Erzin, Türkiye
“Examining the Association Between Exposome Score for Schizophrenia and Functioning in Schizophrenia”, published in European Psychiatry
Category 1 “Clinical psychopathology and refinement of psychiatric diagnostic categories”
Diego Quattrone, UK
“Daily use of high-potency cannabis is associated with more positive symptoms in FEP patients”
Category 2 “Biological correlates and treatments of mental disorders”
Astrid Chevance, France
“Identifying outcomes for depression that matter to patients, informal caregivers and healthcare professionals: qualitative content analysis of a large international online survey”
Category 3 “Psychiatric epidemiology, social psychiatry and psychotherapeutic interventions in mental disorders”
Kimmo Suokas, Finland
“Association of income with the incidence rates of first psychioatric hospital admissions in Finland, 1996-2014”
Category 4 “Child and Adolescent Psychiatry”
Covadonga Martínez Diaz-Caneja, Spain
“Assessment of school anti-bullying interventions: a meta-analysis of randomized clinital trials”
Category 5 “Best paper published in European Psychiatry”
Clara López Solà, Spain
“Is cognitive dysfunction involved in difficult-to-treat depression? Characterizing resistance from a cognitive perspective”
Category 1 “Clinical psychopathology and refinement of psychiatric diagnostic categories”
Kimberley Kendall, UK
“Association of Rare Copy Number Variants with Risk of Depression”
Category 2 “Biological correlates and treatments of mental disorders”
Philipp Homan, Switzerland
“Neural Computations of Threat in the Aftermath of Combat Trauma”
Category 3 “Psychiatric epidemiology, social psychiatry and psychotherapeutic interventions in mental disorders”
Sinan Guloksuz, The Netherlands
“Examining the Independent and Joint Effects of Genetics and Environment in Schizophrenia”
Category 4 “Child and Adolescent Psychiatry”
Antonín Šebela, Czech Republic
“Decreased Need for Sleep as an Endophenotype of Bipolar Disorder: An Actigraphy Study”
Category 5 “Best paper published in European Psychiatry”
Covadonga Martínez Díaz-Caneja, Spain
“Cognition and Functionality in Delusional Disorder”, published in European Psychiatry”
Category 1 “Clinical psychopathology and refinement of psychiatric diagnostic categories”
Daria Smirnova, Russia
“Language Patterns Discriminate Mild Depression from Normal Sadness and Euthymic State”
Category 2 “Biological correlates and treatments of mental disorders”
Luis Alameda, Spain
“Redox Dysregulation as a Link between Childhood Trauma and Psychopathological and Neurocognitive Profile in Early Psychosis Patients”
Category 3 “Psychiatric epidemiology, social psychiatry and psychotherapeutic interventions in mental disorders”
Pirathiv Kugathasan, Denmark
“Association of Secondary Preventive Cardiovascular Treatment After Myocardial Infarction With Mortality Among Patients With Schizophrenia”
Category 4 “Child and Adolescent Psychiatry”
Hélène Vulser, France
“Early Variations in White Matter Microstructure and Depression Outcome in Adolescents With Subthreshold Depression”
Category 5 “Best paper published in European Psychiatry”
Delfina Janiri, Italy
“Psychopathological characteristics and adverse childhood events are differentially associated with suicidal ideation and suicidal acts in mood disorders”
Category 1 “Clinical psychopathology and refinement of psychiatric diagnostic categories”
Ian Kelleher, Ireland
“Hallucinations in borderline personality disorder and common mental disorders”
Category 2 “Biological correlates and treatments of mental disorders”
Anya Topiwala, UK
“Moderate alcohol consumption as risk factor for adverse brain outcomes and cognitive decline: longitudinal cohort study”
Category 3 “Psychiatric epidemiology, social psychiatry and psychotherapeutic interventions in mental disorders”
Gustaf Brander, Sweden
“Perinatal risk factors in Tourette’s and chronic tic disorders: a total population sibling comparison study”
Category 4 “Child and Adolescent Psychiatry”
Gisela Sugranyes, Spain
“Clinical, Cognitive, and Neuroimaging Evidence of a Neurodevelopmental Continuum in Offspring of Probands With Schizophrenia and Bipolar Disorder“
Category 5 “Best paper published in European Psychiatry”
Gaia Sampogna, Italy
“The impact of social marketing campaigns on reducing mental health stigma: Results from the 2009–2014 Time to Change programme”
Category 1 “Clinical psychopathology and refinement of psychiatric diagnostic categories”
• Aurélie Laserre (Switzerland)
“Prospective association of depression subtypes with cardio-metabolic risk factors”
• Rafaella Calati (France)
“Is psychotherapy effective for reducing suicide attempt and nonsuicidal self-injury rates? ”
Category 2 “Biological correlates and treatments of mental disorders”
• Alkomiet Hasan (Germany)
“Association of structural brain changes with response of rTMS”
• Anna-Clara Hollander (Sweden)
“Refugee migration and risk of schizophrenia and other non-affective psychoses”
Category 3 “Psychiatric epidemiology, social psychiatry and psychotherapeutic interventions in mental disorders”
• Niels Okkels (Denmark)
“Traumatic Stress and Risk of Subsequent Schizophrenia or Bipolar Disorder: A Nationwide Cohort Study”
• Petr Winkler (Czech Republic)
“Deinstitutionalised patients, homelessness and imprisonment: systematic review”
Category 4 “Child and Adolescent Psychiatry”
• Thomas Lancaster (UK)
“Polygenic Risk of Psychosis & Ventral Striatal Activation Reward Processing in Healthy Adolescents”
• Dennis Raven (Netherlands)
“Time-to-treatment of mental disorders in a community sample of Dutch adolescents. A TRAILS study”
Category 5 “Best paper published in European Psychiatry”
• Nikolina Jovanovic (Croatia/UK)
“Burnout Syndrome among Psychiatric Trainees in 22 countries”
• Sarah Cargnin (Italy)
“BDNF Val66Met and clinical response to antipsychotic drugs: A systematic review and meta-analysis”
Category 1 “Clinical psychopathology and refinement of psychiatric diagnostic categories”
Rashmi Patel, United Kingdom
“Negative symptoms in schizophrenia: a study in a large clinical sample using a novel automated method”
Category 2 “Biological correlates and treatments of mental disorders”
Adrian Georg Fischer, Germany
“Dual serotonergic signals: a key to understanding paradoxical effects?”
Category 3 “Psychiatric epidemiology, social psychiatry and psychotherapeutic interventions in mental disorders”
Nicolas Hoertel, France
“Mental disorders and risk of suicide attempt: a national prospective study”
Category 4 “Child and Adolescent Psychiatry”
Agnieszka Butwicka, Sweden/Poland
“Risks of psychiatric disorders and suicide attempts in children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes : A Population-Based Cohort Study”
Category 1 “Clinical psychopathology and refinement of psychiatric diagnostic categories”
Charlotte Cecil, United Kingdom
“Environmental risk, OXTR methylation and callous-unemotional traits: a 13-year longitudinal study”
Category 2 “Biological correlates and treatments of mental disorders”
Anthony Zannas, Germany
“Gene Variants of the Renin-Angiotensin System, Hippocampal Volume Loss and Cognitive Decline”
Category 3 “Psychiatric epidemiology, social psychiatry and psychotherapeutic interventions in mental disorders”
Jorge Lopez Castroman, France
“Increased severity of suicidal behavior in impulsive aggressive patients”
Category 4 “Child and Adolescent Psychiatry”
Laura Pina-Camacho, United Kingdom
“Predictors of schizophrenia spectrum disorders in early-onset FEP: an SVM model”
Category 1 “Clinical psychopathology and refinement of psychiatric diagnostic categories”
Olivier Andlauer, France
“Nocturnal REM Sleep Latency for Identifying Patients With Narcolepsy/Hypocretin Deficiency”
Category 2 “Biological correlates and treatments of mental disorders”
Divya Mehta, Germany
“Childhood maltreatment is associated with distinct genomic and epigenetic profiles in PTSD”
Category 3 “Psychiatric epidemiology, social psychiatry and psychotherapeutic interventions in mental disorders”
Hanna Uosukainen, Finland
“Mortality among clients seeking treatment for buprenorphine abuse in Finland”
Erkki Heinonen, Finland
“Therapists’ professional and personal characteristics as predictors of outcome in long-term psychodynamic psychotherapy and psychoanalysis“
Category 4 “Child and Adolescent Psychiatry”
Maria De Gracia Dominguez Barrera, UK
“Duration of untreated psychosis in adolescents: ethnic differences and clinical profiles”
Category 1 “Clinical psychopathology and refinement of psychiatric diagnostic categories” and Category 4 “Child and Adolescent Psychiatry”
Hilario Blasco-Fontecilla, Spain
“Combining scales to assess suicide risk” and “Factors Contributing to the Utilization of Adult Mental Health Services in Children and Adolescents Diagnosed with Hyperkinetic Disorder”
Category 2 “Biological correlates and treatments of mental disorders”
Danilo Arnone, UK
“Increased amygdala responses to sad but not fearful faces in major depression, etc.”
Mirjam van Zuiden, Netherlands
“Glucocorticoid Receptor Pathway Components Predict Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Symptom Development: A Prospective Study”
Boris Quednow, Switzerland
“Schizophrenia risk polymorphisms in the TCF4 gene interact with smoking in the modulation of auditory sensory gating”
Category 3 “Psychiatric epidemiology, social psychiatry and psychotherapeutic interventions in mental disorders”
Maria Melchior, France
“Tobacco, alcohol, cannabis and other illegal drug use among young adults: The socioeconomic context”
Category 4 “Child and Adolescent Psychiatry”
Torsten Klengel, Germany
«Allele-specific FKBP5 DNA demethylation mediates gene–childhood trauma interactions»
Category 1: Clinical psychopathology and refinement of psychiatric diagnostic categories
Christel Middeldorp, The Netherlands
“The genetic association between personality and major depression or bipolar disorder. A polygenic score analysis using genome wide association data”
Category 2: Biological correlates and treatments of mental disorders
Oliver Howes, UK
“Dopamine synthesis capacity before onset of psychosis: a prospective [18F]-DOPA PET imaging study”
Category 3: Psychiatric epidemiology, social psychiatry and psychotherapeutic interventions in mental disorders
Nestor Kapusta, Austria
“Declining Autopsy Rates and Suicide Misclassification: A Cross-national Analysis of 35 Countries”
Category 4: Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Paul Oliver Wilkinson, UK
“Clinical and Psychosocial Predictors of Suicide Attempts and Non-Suicidal Self-Injury in the Adolescent Depression Antidepressants and Psychotherapy Trial (ADAPT)”
Category 1: Clinical psychopathology and refinement of psychiatric diagnostic categories
Paul Roux, France
“The emotional paradox: Dissociation between explicit and implicit processing of emotional prosody in schizophrenia”
Category 2: Biological correlates and treatments of mental disorders
Alexandra Schosser (-haupt), Germany
“Association of DISC1 and TSNAX genes and affective disorders in the depression case-control (DeCC) and bipolar affective case-control (BACCS) studies”
Category 3: Psychiatric epidemiology, social psychiatry and psychotherapeutic interventions in mental disorders
Péter Döme, Hungary
“Season of Birth Is Significantly Associated with the Risk of Completed Suicide.”
Category 4: Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Nadia Micali, UK
“Long term outcomes of obsessive-compulsive disorder: follow up of 142 children and adolescents.”
Category 1: Clinical psychopathology and refinement of psychiatric diagnostic categories
Andrea Raballo, Denmark
“Looking at the Schizophrenia Spectrum Through The Prism of Selfdisorders:an Empirecal Study”
Category 2: Biological correlates and treatments of mental disorders
Eric Fakra, France
“Effects of HTR1A C (-1019)G on Amygdala Reactivity and Trait Anxiety”
Nikolaos Koutsouleris, Germany
“Use of Neuroanatomical Pattern Classification to Identify Subjects in At-Risk Mental States of Psychosis and Predict Disease Transition”
Category 3: Psychiatric epidemiology, social psychiatry and psychotherapeutic interventions in mental disorders
James Maccabe, United Kingdom
“Lifetime reproductive outlook over 2 generations in patients with psychosis and their unaffected siblings : the Uppsala 1915-1929 Birth Cohort Multigenerational Study”
Category 4: Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Argyris Stringaris, United Kingdom
“Adult Outcomes of Youth irritability : a 20-year Prospective Community-Based Study”
Category 2: Biological correlates and treatments of mental disorders
Fabrice Jollant, France
“Orbitofrontal Cortex Response to Angry Faces in Men with Histories of Suicide Attempts”
Paolo Fusar-Poli, United Kingdom
“Distinct effects of D9-Tetrahydrocannabinol and Cannabidiol on neural activation during emotional processing”
Category 3: Psychiatric epidemiology, social psychiatry and psychotherapeutic interventions in mental disorders
Fiammetta Cosci, Italy
“Nicotine dependence, psychological distress and personality traits as possible predictors of smoking cessation. Result of a double-blind study with nicotine patch”
Category 4: Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Katherine Johnson, Ireland
“Absence of the 7-repeat variant of DRD4 VNTR is associated with drifting sustained attention in children”
Category 1: Clinical psychopathology and refinement of psychiatric diagnostic categories
Enrique Baca Garcia, Spain
“Diagnostic stability of psychiatric disorders in clinical practice”
Category 2: Biological correlates and treatments of mental disorders
Peter Döme, Hungary
“Circulating endothelial progenitor cells and depression : a possible novel link between heart and soul”
Graham Keith Murray, United Kingdom
“Substantia nigra/ventral tegmental reward prediction error disruption in psychosis”
Category 3: Psychiatric epidemiology, social psychiatry and psychotherapeutic interventions in mental disorders
Seena Fazel, United Kingdom
“Severe Mental Illness and risk of sexual Offending in Men : A Case-Control Study Based on Swedish National Registers”
Category 1: Clinical psychopathology and refinement of psychiatric diagnostic categories
Daniel J. Smith, United Kingdom
“Neurocognitive impairment in euthymic young adults with bipolar spectrum disorder and recurrent major depressive disorder”
Category 2: Biological correlates and treatments of mental disorders
Stefan J. Borgwardt, Switzerland
“Regional Gray Matter Volume Abnormalities in the At Risk Mental State“
Dirk Van West, Belgium
“Glucocorticoid Receptor Gene-Based SNP Analysis in Patients with Recurrent Major Depression”
Category 3: Psychiatric epidemiology, social psychiatry and psychotherapeutic interventions in mental disorders
Helen Killaspy, United Kingdom
“The REACT study: a randomised evaluation of assertive community treatment in North London”
Category 1: Clinical Psychopathology and refinement of psychiatric diagnostic categories
Matthew Broome, United Kingdom
“Outreach and support in South London (OASIS): implementation of a clinical service for prodromal psychosis and the at risk mental state”
Category 2: Biological correlates and treatments of mental disorders
Ursula Bailer, Austria
“Altered Brain Serotonin 5-HT1a Receptor Binding After Recovery From Anorexia Nervosa Measured by Positron Emission Tomography”
Category 3: Psychiatric epidemiology, social psychiatry and psychotherapeutic interventions in mental disorders
Paul Ramchandani, United Kingdom
“Paternal depression in the postnatal period and child development: a prospective population study”
Category 1: Clinical psychopathology and refinement of psychiatric diagnostic categories
Vesna Jordanova, United Kingdom
“Validation of two survey diagnostic interviews among primary care attendees: a comparison of psychiatric diagnostic categories”
Category 2: Biological correlates and treatments of mental disorder
Tilo Kircher, Germany
“Mismatch Negativity Responses in Schizophrenia: a Combined fMRI and Whole-Head MEG Study”
Category 3: Psychiatric epidemiology, social psychiatry and psychotherapeutic interventions in mental disorders
Kanita Dervic, Austria
“Religious Affiliations and Suicide Attempt”
Category 1: Clinical Psychopathology and refinement of psychiatric diagnostic categories
Nadja Maric, Serbia
Category 2: Biological correlates and treatments of mental disorder
Falk Kiefer, Germany
Category 3: Psychiatric epidemiology, social psychiatry and psychotherapeutic interventions in mental disorders
Louise M. Howard, United Kingdom