7th EPA Forum
The 7th EPA Forum took place virtually on Saturday 10 April 2021, preceding the opening of the 29th European Congress of Psychiatry.
Under the title “Quality Indicators of Services and Care for Mental Health in Europe, from Clinician to Patient Perspective: A Paradigm Shift?”, the 2021 Forum was centred around quality data and indicators, and on patients’ role in assessing mental health care and practices.
The two Chairs of the 2021 Forum, the EPA President Philip Gorwood and the President Elect Peter Falkai, welcomed the 468 participants and introduced the opening address of Mr John Ryan, Director for Public Health at the EU Commission, who stressed the importance of having quality data to improve the health systems’ performance across the EU.
The sessions that followed saw the participation of an exceptional panel of speakers from international and EU organisations, who provided interesting insights on the challenges, opportunities and approaches to assess mental healthcare and involve patients in this process.
During the EPA Forum 2021, the second edition of the EPA Ambassadors Survey was presented. Started in 2020, this initiative aims at engaging psychiatrists and mental health professionals to shape better mental health policies and programmes in Europe.
Watch the 7th EPA Forum’s programme and recording below.
9:00 – Welcome and introduction, Philip Gorwood, EPA President
9:05 – Keynote address, John Ryan, EU Commission, Director for Public Health
9:15 – How do international bodies address benchmarking indicators for mental health?
Mental Health Performance in Europe and benchmarking indicators, Katherine de Bienassis, Health Policy Analyst, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
WHO Global mental health Atlas and other core indicators in the SDG era, Daniel Chisholm, Programme manager for Mental Health, World Health Organisation (WHO Europe)
9:35 – Indicators in real-life context
Using indicators for an effective response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Florence Butlen, Senior Scientific Officer and Topic Lead in Psychiatry, European Medicines Agency (EMA)
Harmonisation of data and professional standards for psychiatrists in Europe, Andrew Brittlebank, President, Union of Medical Specialists – Psychiatry Section (UEMS)
European psychiatry indicators: EPA projects with EPA National societies
Meryam Schouler-Ocak, EPA Board Member (EPA “Mapping European Psychiatry” project)
Martina Rojnic Kuzman, EPA Board Member (EPA “Ambassadors Survey”)
10:10 – Q&A session
10:20 – Interactive Pause
10:35 – Quality indicators of care (PROMs & PREMs): stakeholders’ perspective
The Families, Carers and Patients’ view on quality indicators
Urs Würsch, President, EUFAMI
Stecy Yghemonos, Executive Director, Eurocarers
Raluca Nica, Vice-President, Global Alliance of Mental Illness Advocacy Network – Europe (GAMIAN-Europe)
The meaning of PROMs & PREMs for psychiatrists, Philip Gorwood (EPA)
The value of data in Psychology in Europe, Christoph Steinebach, President, European Federation of Psychologists’ Association (EFPA)
Mapping the burden of neurological diseases in Europe, Claudio Bassetti, President, European Academy of Neurology (EAN)
11:20 – Q&A session
11:30 – Closing remarks, Peter Falkai, EPA President Elect