4th EPA Forum
In continuation of the previous successful years, the EPA Forum was organised in 2018 for the fourth time. Preceding as usual the Opening of the 26th EPA Congress in Nice, this event on 3 March focused on “Person-centred mental healthcare: outcomes that matter to patients and their carers”.
The 2018 EPA Forum aimed at stimulating the discussion on the current person-centred approach of mental health care and research. Within this frame, high-level experts outlined the needs and progress in outcome assessment of research and treatment programmes in mental health care. Important aspects of person-centred mental health care were discussed, ranging from digitalisation, the economic impact, the patients and families perspective as well as the EPA’s role in advocating a person-centred approach.
With over 220 participants, the Forum resulted in interesting and fruitful debates among the audience and the different organisations/stakeholders, leading to a consensus of the importance of shifting to a person-centred mindset in mental health and research, and the need to maintain strong collaboration to achieve this goal.
See the final Forum programme here below.
To view the presentations of the speakers who have kindly provided them, please click on the links included in the programme below.
4th EPA Forum Programme
9:00 – 9:15
Welcome and Introduction
Silvana Galderisi, EPA President
To see the PDF presentation please click here.
9:15 – 11:15
Measuring quality and outcome of person-centred mental health care
Chair: Silvana Galderisi, EPA President
Niek Klazinga
Head of the HCQI Project OECD Health Division
The importance of patient-reported indicators of health system performance
To see the PDF presentation please click here.
Bernd Puschner
Head of The Process-outcome Section at Ulm University (Germany)
Integrating shared decision making and users’ reported outcome measures
Discussion from the main stakeholders:
Helen Herrman
President of the World Psychiatric Association (WPA)
The point of view of the professionals working with policymakers, patients and families
To see the PDF presentation please click here.
Hilkka Kärkkäinen
President of the Global Alliance of Mental Illness Advocacy Networks-Europe (GAMIAN)
The point of view of the users
To see the PDF presentation please click here.
Martine Frager-Berlet
Vice-president of the European Federation of Associations of Families of People with Mental Illness (EUFAMI)
General Discussion
The point of view of the families
To see the PDF presentation please click here.
11:30 – 12:45
Challenges in the implementation of patient-centred research and care
Chair: Philip Gorwood, EPA President elect
Terje Peetso
Head of Sector of ehealth and ageing policy at DG CONNECT, European Commission
The role of digitisation to support person-centred mental healthcare in Europe
Michela Tinelli
Assistant Professorial Research Fellow at London School of Economics (UK)
Improving the value from health spending – The case of Mental health
To see the PDF presentation please click here.
Ivana Silva
Scientific Administrator at the European Medicines Agency
Translating academic research into novel value-based methodologies and service
To see the PDF presentation please click here.
Chris Nas
Senior Policy Advisor at Trimbos Institute (the Netherlands)
General Discussion
The outcome measurement program in the Netherlands: what can we learn
To see the PDF presentation please click here.
12:45 – 13:30
The role of the EPA and National Psychiatric Associations (NPAs)
Chair: Wolfgang Gaebel, EPA Past President
Silvana Galderisi
EPA President
The EPA Perspective
To see the PDF presentation please click here.
Tamas Kurimay
Chair of the EPA Council of NPAs
General Discussion
The EPA Perspective