Executive Committee and Board
Executive Committee Members
The EPA Executive Committee is composed of the mandated President, Past President, President Elect, Secretary General, Treasurer, Council of NPAs Chair, Secretary for Sections and Secretary for Education.
The Executive Committee is responsible for overseeing the operational functioning of the association, as well as preparing and ensuring the smooth implementation of EPA Board decisions.

Board Members
The EPA Board is composed of prominent European psychiatrists, elected by members of the association.
In 2018, representatives of the mental health patient and carer organisations GAMIAN and EUFAMI were inducted as ex-officio members of the EPA Board.
Board members are responsible for guiding the association in the scope of its outreach, lobbying and education missions by providing sound and ethical governance, setting out strategic objectives, and ensuring the judicious management of financial resources.

For the term of his Presidency (2023 – 2025) Prof. Dom has invited the Vice-Chair of the Council of NPAs to join the EPA Board meetings.