european psychiatric association

Scientific Programme Committee and Local Organising Committee

Scientific Programme Committee (SPC) for the EPA 2025 Congress

  • Geert Dom, BelgiumSPC Chair
  • Andrea Fiorillo, ItalySPC Co-Chair
  • Kristina Adorjan, Switzerland
  • Jorgen Bramness, Norway
  • Jonathan Campion, UK
  • Manuel Martín Carrasco, Spain
  • Livia De Picker, Belgium
  • Cécile Hanon, France
  • Pavel Mohr, Czech Republic
  • Niels Mulder, Netherlands
  • Merete Nordentoft, Denmark
  • Meryam Schouler-Ocak, Germany
  • Thomas Schulze, Germany
  • Umberto Volpe, Italy
  • Danuta Wasserman, Sweden

The SPC ensures the high-quality scientific programme of the European Congress of Psychiatry and reinforces EPA positioning as the main congress in Europe. The SPC is responsible for building the core scientific programme and reviewing and selecting the submissions for the accepted scientific programme.

Advisory Scientific Programme Committee (ASPC) for the EPA 2025 Congress

  • Michaela Amering, Austria
  • Julian Beezhold, United Kingdom
  • Bernardo Carpiniello, Italy
  • Philippe Courtet, France
  • André Decraene, Belgium
  • Peter Falkai, Germany
  • Sophia Frangou, USA
  • Tomasz Gondek, Poland
  • Péter Kéri, Hungary
  • Tamas Kurimay, Hungary
  • Lars Lien, Norway
  • Błażej Misiak, Poland
  • Martina Rojnic Kuzman, Croatia
  • Jerzy Samochowiec, Poland
  • Arnt Schellekens, Netherlands
  • Gabriella Stoppe, Switzerland
  • Simavi Vahip, Türkiye
  • Umberto Volpe, Italy
  • Danuta Wasserman, Sweden

The role of the Advisory Scientific Programme Committee, made up of esteemed European psychiatrists, is to provide advice to the SPC.

Local Organising Committee (LOC) for the EPA 2025 Congress

  • Manuel Martín Carrasco, Pamplona – LOC Chair
  • Marina Díaz Marsá, Madrid – LOC Co-Chair
  • Luis Agüera, Madrid
  • Celso Arango, Madrid
  • José Luis Carrasco, Madrid
  • Ana Catalán, Bilbao
  • Llanos Conesa, Valencia
  • Paz García-Portilla, Oviedo
  • Ana González-Pinto, Vitoria
  • Luis Gutiérrez-Rojas, Granada
  • Ángela Ibáñez, Madrid
  • Ricardo López, Barcelona
  • Diego Palao, Barcelona
  • Gonzalo Salazar, London (UK)
  • Manel Sanchez, Barcelona

The LOC is an official body that takes an active part in the local promotion of the event towards delegates; sponsoring solicitation; promotion and liaison with the local authorities when relevant; review of the Oral and Poster submissions and late breaker proposals; scheduling of Orals and Posters; appointment of chairs for the Oral and Poster sessions; any other duties which may contribute reinforcing the success of the European Congress of Psychiatry.