Data & Statistics
Focus on Suicidal Behaviours
Our latest online course is directed by Prof. Emilie Olié and Prof. Jorge López-Castromán from the University of Montpellier, France with the remarkable work of more than 15 mental health professionals in the fields of suicidology. This is an opportunity to learn more about suicidal behaviour, its treatment and how to prevent it.
Introduction to Motivational Interviewing
This course is a must-see for all mental health professionals who are interested in learning more about the techniques to steer consultations in the direction of positive change. The main objective of this course is to introduce professionals to different keys and methods that can be used directly in their working area.
Introduction to Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
Directed by Dr. Stirling Moorey, Consultant Psychiatrist in CBT, this course is addressed to all health professionals and learners who are interested in the field of mental health and covers the varieties of CBT, their evolution, their application to various disorders and its key clinical features.
Understanding and Treating Major Depressive Disorder
Launched in 2020 and directed by Prof. Allan Young and Dr. Roland Zahn, with the support of Prof. Anthony Cleare, this online course aims to provide a better understanding of clinical depression throughout various topics, from epidemiology and pathophysiology to affective neuroscience and treatment paradigms.
For more information about all our online courses, have a look at our Catalogue!